The iib Blue Bonds, called “iib Marine and Ocean-Based Blue Bonds”, whose broadcast was announced at the “THE OCEAN RACE MINDELO SUMMIT” event, which featured the participation of distinguished personalities such as the Secretary General of the United Nations, Dr. Antonio Guterres, the Prime Minister of Portugal, Dr. Antonio Costa and the Prime Minister of Cabo Verde, Dr. Ulisses Correio and Silva constitute the first emission of this nature in Cabo Verde , representing a decisive milestone in the process of valuing the Sea and Oceans in the country.

The issuance of these bonds aims to make it possible for the development of structural projects in the area of the Blue Economy, as well as dedicating a minimum of 50,000,000 CVE to the development and financial inclusion in the same sector, made possible through direct financing or through the identification and development of innovative strategic partnerships designed to support access to small-scale credit to individuals and small businesses in the sustainable maritime and fisheries sectors.

The launch event, which took place at 18:00 last January 23,2023, in the port of Mindelo, aboard the tall ship OOSTERSCHELDE docked, was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dr. Olavo Correia, and was attended by the Ministers of the Sea and Minister of Culture and from Creative Industries, Tourism, Transport, and Agriculture.

The profits of iib Cabo Verde, a bank led by the iib group in Bahrain and held in 10% by the Portuguese Novo Banco, increased by 77%in 2021, to three million euros, the best result in the institution’s history.

The information is contained in the 2021 report and accounts of the International Investment Bank Cabo Verde (iibCV), which provides for the application of this result only in legal reserves (10%) and other reserves (90%), without distributing dividends, as had already happened in 2019 and 2020 to prevent economic repercussions from the covid-19 pandemic.

iibCV closed 2021 with a net profit of over 337.1 million escudos (three million euros).This performance compares with profits of 190.3 million escudos (1.7 million euros) in 2020 and 147.2 million escudos (1.3 million euros) in 2019.

In the report and accounts, the management of iibCV underlines that solvency and liquidity levels stood at 31% at the end of 2021 and 441 million escudos (four million euros), respectively, providing “an accommodative positioning of the equity structure”, ending the year with a 77% growth in net income, “constituting the best result in the history of the institution”, in more than ten years of activity in Cape Verde.

To “win the moment”, still marked by the economic crisis caused by the pandemic in 2021, the administration underlines that it remained “faithful to the execution of the fundamental variables” of the strategic plan, “which resulted in a balance sheet growth by 53% [to 30 billion escudos, 270.5 million euros],through more efficient and diversified sources of funding, enabling an asset structure with a superior risk-weighted return”.

This management, he adds, was also reflected in the increase in banking income by 41%, to 725.4 million escudos (almost 6.6 million euros), given the “increase in net interest income by 12% and in the complementary margin by 301%”.

“With regard to the loan portfolio, it is important to highlight the proactive management of the portfolio, which enabled differentiated monitoring of customers, a determining factor in the recovery of non-performing loans (NPLs), whose proportionality was fixed at 1.49%”, he says. up in the report and accounts.

The bank’s global loan portfolio grew by 1% in 2021, to almost 5.5 billion escudos (49.6 million euros). The non-performing loan portfolio (over 90 days) thus totaled around 80.7 million escudos (730 thousand euros).

The bank closed 2021 with positive equity of 1,789 million escudos (16.1 million euros)and total assets of over 30 billion escudos (270.5 million euros), for liabilities of 28.2 billion escudos (254.4 million euros), practically half corresponding to customer deposits.

Customer resources, in deposits, registered a year-on-year growth of 5%, to almost 14.9 billion escudos (134.4 million euros). The iibCV, until 2019 called Banco Internacional de Cabo Verde (BICV) and formerly Banco Espírito Santo Cabo Verde, started its activity in July 2010and until mid-2018 it was fully owned by Novo Banco de Portugal.

On 11 July 2018, after approval by the supervisory bodies, 90% of the shares representing the share capital were acquired by iib Group Holdings WLL (iibGroup), based in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which aims to acquire and manage banking assets in the Middle East and Africa. The rebranding from BICV to iibCV was only completed in mid-2019, with Novo Banco (through Novo Banco África) remaining part of the shareholder structure, with a minority stake of 10%.

With a share capital of 1,433 million escudos (13 million euros), iibCV currently has a physical presence on the islands of Santiago and Sal and has around 40 employees.

“Despite the pandemic, we remained faithful to the execution of the fundamental variables of the strategic plan.”

Francisco Ferreira, CEO iib Cabo Verde

The Minister of the Sea, Abraão Vicente, received a courtesy visit from the President of iibGroup and representatives of IMGS Group, who are in Cape Verde, at the invitation of the Minister, after contacts established in Dubai.

This preliminary visit to the Ministry of the Sea, and institutions under its tutelage, precedes the signing of a memorandum of understanding, which will take place this Thursday, with a view to develop port activities, implementation and development of special economic zones.

“Working in partnership with the Government will allow us to fullfil the need for better infrastructure through strategic development.”

Sohail Sultan, CEO

On 1 July 2019, at the Cape Verde Investment Forum hosted by the Government of Cape Verde (GoCV) on the island of Sal, iibGroup and the GoCV signed an MoU for cooperation on infrastructure development.

The MoU coincided with launch at the Forum of the Cape Verde Infrastructure Fund, a €250m vehicle to be established with iibGroup and GoCV as founding partners. The fund is aimed at upgrading, or building new, infrastructure principally in the transport, energy, water and communications sectors. It will be established in Luxembourg with the manager located in Lisbon. The first closing of the fund is foreseen in Q4 2019 at €50m and the final closing is expected in Q4 2020 at €250m, to be followed by a five-year investment period and ten-year overall fund life.